Is The Lost City of Atlantis real?

The initial instance when Atlantis is unveiled in the historical narrative occurs within Plato's writings. However, it has turned out undoubtedly a popular theme which is used from literature to cinema. Here are some facts regarding The Lost Continent, Atlantis.

Today, we are quite certain that the myth of Atlantis originated from Plato's writings, much like many other well-known tales. The origin depends on the figurative character Critias, who recounts various stories in Plato's dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias." It is said Plato created these stories as an introduction to his philosophical mindset.

Blending Deity and Mortal: The Pioneers Behind Atlantis

Around 360 B.C., Plato wove the tale of Atlantis. According to him, the architects of this legendary city were a blend of divine and mortal, crafting a utopia that burgeoned into a formidable naval force. Their dwelling comprised concentric islands, bordered by expansive moats and connected by a canal delving into the heart. These verdant isles housed riches like gold and silver, accompanied by a plethora of rare, exotic fauna. At the epicenter stood a grand capital city.

The Lost City of Atlantis was established 9,000 years before Plato’s time according to his dialogues and suddenly disappeared due to an earthquake or tsunami. But no research has proved the existence of the lost city until today. This makes the story a fantasy.

The question is “Where is the Lost City of Atlantis”

The story has many debates about where Atlantis was. It is even known to be said under the continent of Antarctica. The most well-known theory is, that it is located in the Atlantic Ocean, as you can discern a similarity in names. Positioned in the Atlantic Ocean, beyond the Strait of Gibraltar, Atlantis was described as a substantial landmass. If it were indeed submerged somewhere in the Atlantic, its size would undoubtedly make it noticeable on sonar maps of the ocean floor.