A Russian destroyer, Admiral Levchenko, fired warning shots at a Norwegian fishing vessel in the Barents Sea on September 12, according to the Norwegian publication FriFagbevegelse.

The incident occurred in Norway's exclusive economic zone (EEZ), north of Varde, during Russia’s Ocean 24 military exercises.

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The 15-meter vessel, MS Ragnhild Kristine, was reportedly warned by radio to leave the area, which was designated as a danger zone for military activity. Øystein Orten, captain of the fishing vessel, recounted the radio message: “This is a Russian warship, you need to leave the area.” The crew, however, explained that they needed to retrieve cables from the sea and did not immediately comply.

Following the refusal, the Russian warship approached at high speed and opened warning fire, causing the MS Ragnhild Kristine to shake, although no damage or injuries were reported. The fishing vessel then left the area under escort by the Russian destroyer.

The Russian Embassy in Oslo stated that it was unaware of the event.

Norwegian defense officials confirmed the exchange but emphasized that ships operating in Norway's EEZ are not required to vacate during military exercises.

“The incident occurred in international waters, where vessels from all nations are free to navigate or conduct exercises,” said Lt. Col. Vegard Finberg, spokesperson for the Norwegian Armed Forces.

Editor: Kemal Can Kayar