
Turkish Owner Yasa expands fleet with LR2 orders

Istanbul-based shipping company Yasa, led by the Sabanci family, is making waves in the maritime industry with a significant expansion move.

Reports indicate that Yasa has finalized contracts with two prominent shipyards in China for the construction of LR2/aframax tankers.

According to reliable sources within the Greek brokerage community, Yasa has engaged state-owned Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding (SWS) and Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co (DSIC) for the construction of two tankers, each boasting a capacity of 114,000 deadweight tons (dwt).

The new vessels are expected to come at an estimated cost of $72.5 million apiece, showcasing Yasa's commitment to investing in top-tier assets for its fleet. Scheduled for delivery in 2026, these tankers will be equipped with scrubber technology, aligning with environmental standards and industry best practices

Yasa, a key player in both wet and dry bulk shipping segments, currently operates a diverse fleet comprising over 50 vessels. Notably, the tanker division of the Sabanci family's shipping enterprise boasts a fleet of 14 ships, with previous orders predominantly consisting of MRs and suezmaxes.