Swedish electric vessel maker Candela has launched the P-12 Nova, the world’s first electric hydrofoil ferry, now operating in Stockholm. On October 29, the ferry completed its first 15-kilometer journey from Tappström to Stockholm’s City Hall in just 30 minutes, cutting the usual commute time by half.

Nova will run through fall 2024, pause for winter, and resume service in spring 2025, continuing until August. The ferry is part of a pilot project with Trafikverket and Region Stockholm (SL) to test how hydrofoil technology can offer faster, emission-free alternatives to traditional maritime travel.

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Unlike conventional vessels, Nova glides above water on computer-controlled hydrofoil wings, reducing water friction by 80% and consuming significantly less energy. Its design creates minimal wake, allowing it to operate at high speeds within city limits. Powered by 100% renewable electricity and equipped with electric C-POD motors, the ferry offers a quiet, efficient ride.

Nova is not only the fastest electric ferry globally but also the fastest in Stockholm’s fleet, cruising at 25 knots. This speed outperforms the older, diesel-powered V-class ferries.

“This is a paradigm shift for urban transport,” said Gustav Hasselskog, CEO of Candela. “For the first time, there is a vessel that makes waterborne transport faster, greener, and more affordable than land transport. It’s a renaissance for the world’s waterways, and it’s exciting that Stockholm is leading the way.” 

Candela has also secured an order to supply eight P-12 ferries to NEOM, Saudi Arabia’s sustainable megacity project, with deliveries planned between 2025 and 2026.

Editor: Kemal Can Kayar