
New plan to restore Arctic sea-ice work

The startup, led by CEO Fonger Ypma, is considering using water pumping techniques, similar to those used by the IJsmeesters (ice masters) in the Netherlands to create outdoor skating rinks, to combat the melting Arctic ice caps.

Arctic ice is shrinking at an alarming rate, with a nearly 13% decrease per decade, leading to concerns about ice-free summers in the Arctic by 2050. Fonger Ypma's idea involves pumping water onto the ice to thicken it, acting as a temporary solution until CO2 levels decrease and natural ice regeneration occurs.

Arctic Reflections is not alone in exploring this concept. Another project, Real Ice, associated with Bangor University, is conducting field tests in Canada using a hydrogen fuel-cell-powered water pump. The goal is to add thickness to the existing ice layer and encourage further growth.

The startup also aims to engage local communities in the process, recognizing the impact on wildlife patterns and the challenges faced by Indigenous people who rely on Arctic ecosystems for survival. The focus is on restoring sea ice and collaborating with local communities for long-term benefits.

The technique involves boosting the "albedo," or whiteness, of the ice, enhancing its ability to reflect the sun's rays. The startup is also exploring whether strategically thickened ice can be spread by Arctic currents, potentially saving significant ice cover with fewer installations.

While there are still questions about the effectiveness of this approach and its scalability, proponents believe it could buy valuable time in the face of the urgent climate crisis. However, some experts caution that addressing the root causes, such as reducing emissions, remains crucial for a sustainable solution.

The innovative effort has garnered attention and recently received the Dutch Wubbo Ockels innovation prize, highlighting the urgency and creativity required to address the escalating climate challenges in the Arctic.