
Onur Türkeş Elected as New Chairman of Turkish Shipbrokers Association

At the Ordinary Election General Assembly of the Turkish Shipbrokers Association held at the Chamber of Shipping Building in Fındıklı, Onur Türkeş became the new chairman of the board of directors. Türkeş took over the chair from İsmail Şahin and became the youngest chairman in the history of the Turkish Shipbrokers Association.

The Turkish Shipbrokers Association, one of the most important NGOs of the Turkish maritime sector, held elections. In the general assembly held in Istanbul, İsmail Şahin, who served as the chairman of the board of directors for two years, did not run for the new term and Onur Türkeş entered the election as the only candidate.

İsmail Şahin, who presented the activity report of the past period, expressed his support to the new management in his speech and said, “As the 6th Term Board of Directors of our association, we have shown all our best efforts on behalf of our association to protect and improve the reputation and values of our profession with the incredible support of our board of directors and members. In this process, I sincerely believe that we have worked with all our strength to move our maritime and Ship Brokerage profession forward in the footsteps of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of our country.”

Support for 'Young' Management from Şahin

While mentioning the successes achieved on behalf of the association, Şahin drew attention to the Bosphorus Shipbrokers' Dinner event organized for the 6th time with record attendance. Şahin said, “I wish success to the young and dynamic new management that will take over our duty. I sincerely believe that they will carry our association and our profession one step further with the same belief and determination.”

Following İsmail Şahin's speech, the income and expense accounts of the association for the years 2023 and 2024 were presented and approved. In addition, the new management was authorized for the next period, especially the acquisition of property by the association.

New President Onur Türkeş, who took the floor in the general assembly, thanked for what was done in the previous period and talked about what will be done as a candidate in the new period.

Türkeş said, “On this meaningful day, where we exhibit one of the best examples of our solidarity, we are preparing to take stronger steps together. From today onwards, as we assume the responsibility of carrying the mission of our association forward, we stand before you with the determination to be worthy of your trust and to carry the flag successfully represented by the previous boards of directors even further.

Our management approach will clearly be participatory, inclusive, transparent and innovative.”

Memorial Forest Project by the New Administration

Onur Türkeş talked about what the new management will do to increase participation in decision-making processes in the new period and stated that they will not deviate from the path drawn by Atatürk in the next period.

New Projects from the New President

Onur Türkeş explained the projects they will carry out in the coming period at the General Assembly and shared three prominent topics from their social, cultural, and educational projects with the audience.

Türkeş said that they will organize a survey system to increase participation, design an application where members can access market information, and establish a commemorative forest on behalf of the Turkish Shipbrokers Association.

After the speech, the new management list presented by Onur Türkeş at the General Assembly received the full support of those in the hall and was elected as the new board of directors. The General Assembly ended with a souvenir photo taken with those present in the hall.