
Baku Shipyard: A Catalyst for Azerbaijan's Industrial and National Growth

Elshad Nuriyev, Chairman of Baku Shipyard, highlights the shipyard's strategic role within Azerbaijan's industrial landscape and its substantial impact on the nation's development.

One prominent example is the Khankendi vessel, constructed at Baku Shipyard, which has been integral to subsea operations for Phase 2 of the Shah Deniz project, a significant supplier of natural gas to Europe.

Since taking on the role, Nuriyev has implemented three essential Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to enhance the shipyard's operations. The first KPI aims to advance production processes by integrating technology, such as augmented welding, to boost efficiency, accuracy, and safety in training. The second KPI focuses on workforce development by collaborating with local academic institutions, including ADA University and vocational schools, to elevate efficiency and skill levels.

The third KPI is dedicated to environmental sustainability. Initiatives under this KPI include the use of bicycles for internal transportation, the installation of solar panels, and maintaining an efficient water treatment system that also serves neighboring factories. There is a strong emphasis on research and development, particularly in human-ship interfaces and intelligent sensor technology.

Nuriyev underscores the importance of teamwork in achieving these objectives, commending the collective efforts of the shipyard's engineers, workers, and support staff. He affirms that the coordinated advancement of people, technology, and facilities is crucial to reaching the set goals and establishing Baku Shipyard as a hub of innovative engineering.